September 21
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I consider the talk about concessions to be completely unacceptable. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this during the question-and-answer session with the government, at the National Assembly of Armenia, Wednesday.

"Because if the national border of Armenia is reproduced, it is not created, but the de jure existing border is reproduced, it is not logical to call it a concession. I would call it a success because for the first time in its history, Armenia independently reproduces the border through negotiation and lays the most important cornerstone for the further development of Armenia's sovereignty, independence," he added.

Pashinyan again recalled the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1991, pursuant to which, according to him, the national borders of Armenia are the administrative borders of Soviet Armenia.

"In 1991, there were de jure borders between the Armenian SSR and the Azerbaijan SSR. And today we have worked, we have raised all the de jure grounds for the existence of that border, we became convinced that we know where the legal border of Armenia passes from, and we reproduced that border on the ground, adopting the principle ‘the border passes where it passes.’ As a result of this process, not a single millimeter of Armenia's territory was left to anyone else," said Pashinyan.

He noted that dozens of discussions were held in the Armenian government before the border delimitation process.

"Basically, those decisions, approaches have passed a legal examination as to what extent our recorded decisions are de jure justified. I have no doubt that these decisions are legally justified," Nikol Pashinyan emphasized.

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