June 04
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A clash took place near the Parliament of Georgia building in Tbilisi between demonstrators protesting against the law on "foreign agents" and the police, Georgia Online reports.

The protesters tried to climb the stage prepared for the rally of the ruling Georgian Dream party on Monday. The stage is guarded by the police.

As a result, there was a small clash with the police. The protesters took away a part of the fence placed in front of the parliament building from the law enforcement officers.

Most of the rally participants are now in front of the Parliament of Georgia. Several hundred policemen maintain order. They were mostly located along the fences that were set up for Monday's rally organized by the Georgian Dream party. The police do not allow the demonstrators to approach the stage. Special forces are also on duty in the area.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia posted a statement on its website calling on people not to go beyond the limits of the freedom of assembly permitted by law and not to destroy the stage placed in front of the parliament.

"Any violation of the law will be immediately prevented by the police," the statement adds.

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