September 21
Show news feed

We welcome the announcement that Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed upon the 1991 Alma Ata declaration as the basis for border delimitation between the two countries. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken wrote in his microblog on X.

"This is an important step towards concluding a durable and dignified peace agreement,'' he said. 
The eighth session of the commissions on delimitation of the state border between the two countries was held today at the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, chaired by Deputy Prime Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan Mher Grigoryan and Shahin Mustafayev.

A protocol was signed as a result of the meeting. The sides agreed to agree on the date and place of the next meeting. According to the Armenian Foreign Ministry, as a result of the meeting, a preliminary agreement was reached to bring the border sections Baganis - Baganis Ayrum, Voskepar - Ashag Askipara, Kirants - Khairumli and Berkaber - Kyzyl Hajil to the legally established inter-republican border that existed at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
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